B Complex Booster


B vitamins, fittingly called The Busy Bs, play a role in almost every function of your body. Healthy levels are critical for your cardiometabolic, brain, and nervous systems. They directly affect energy and immune levels and are a key factor in cell function and repair. Reach your optimal levels of health, vitality, and performance and try our B Complex Booster today!

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B vitamins, fittingly called The Busy Bs, play a role in almost every function of your body. Healthy levels are critical for your cardiometabolic, brain, and nervous systems. In addition, they directly affect energy and immune levels and are a key factor in cell function and repair. Try our B Complex Booster today to reach your optimal health, vitality, and performance levels!

B Complex Booster is beneficial for overall health and wellness. It’s for those who need support with:

  • Boosting Energy
  • Mood Improvement
  • Mental Clarity & Focus
  • Diabetes
  • Cataract Prevention
  • Cell Growth & Function
  • Digestive System
  • Heart Health
  • Skin Health
  • Eye Health
  • Anti-Aging
  • Headaches
  • Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) 
  • Rapid Heart Rate (Tachycardia)
  • Aiding with Sleep
  • Combatting Stress & Anxiety

At the IV Lounge, we offer a wide variety of boosters for either in-between IV Infusion treatments or those looking for a quick alternative.

Our booster treatments generally take no more than 5 minutes total and can provide a quick and easy way to take charge of your health and wellness during busy seasons.

Traditional methods of nutrient supplementation can sometimes be rendered ineffective by our gastrointestinal tract since stomach acids destroy, or lessen, the bioavailability of nutrients.

By bypassing the GI Tract, boosters deliver nutrients and minerals directly to the body’s system, where they are rapidly absorbed and put to work – all at high absorption into the cells and bloodstream.

A booster is essentially a mini dose of the IV Infusion without the hydrating solution. For example, our B Complex Booster is administered via intramuscular injection (into the muscle) and is 1 ML of Vitamin B Complex

B Complex Booster 

B vitamins assist your body in converting food into energy and in forming red blood cells. One can find them in proteins such as poultry, meat, fish, eggs, dairy, leafy green vegetables, beans, and peas.

Our B Complex Booster comprises five essential B vitamins, each playing a unique role in the body. While some vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they are absorbed along with fats and stored in the body’s tissues and liver, the B vitamins, on the other hand, are the hydrosoluble (water-soluble) vitamins (along with vitamin C). Since they are water-soluble, they break down inside our digestive system and are not stored within the body. Due to their temporary nature, B vitamin levels can easily be depleted and must be regularly replenished. 

Our B Complex Booster delivers the B vitamins directly to the muscles, thereby avoiding the digestive system and offering your body the full range of benefits. Each of them plays its own unique and multi-faceted role in strengthening your system.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, aids in energy production and is also helpful for diabetes, heart function, and mood stabilization. A critical factor in glucose metabolism, it regulates insulin and blood sugar levels, alleviating other diabetic issues. When glucose properly metabolizes, your body is fueled and its energy levels increase. 

Increased energy levels affect other functions and levels in the body, such as mood. Conversely, when the brain has low energy levels, depression can result; although Thiamine deficiency (Beriberi) is rare, it is proven to cause symptoms such as depression and irritability.

B1 is also necessary for normalizing cholesterol levels and triglycerides (fat levels). Unfortunately, your cholesterol levels rise as you age, and it becomes even more challenging for your body to regulate it properly.

Essential for the nervous system, B1 assists the flow of electrolytes in and out of the muscle and nerve cells. When the electrolytes are freely available and flowing, our muscles, hydration levels, and pH balance can all function as they should, leaving the skin and other organs hydrated and improved.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is another leading player in energy production and assists the function and growth of cells in the body essential for the skin, digestive tract, and other vital organs. Adequate riboflavin levels are necessary for eye health and can even prevent cataracts

Vitamin B2 helps break down the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Each with their specific role, these macronutrients are the energy supply for the body that keeps it fueled and functioning

Riboflavin helps create red blood cells and transports oxygen to the cells. In turn, red cell production increases because it increases the amount of circulating hemoglobin (an oxygen-carrying protein). Red blood cells are one of four blood components (the other three being plasma, platelets, and white blood cells). Enhancing the operation of all of our organs, it improves the quality of life and prevents future disease.

An efficient multi-tasker, B2 is also effective in ensuring eye health in various ways. Assisting with light sensitivity, it helps our eyes adjust to different light levels. In addition, studies suggest it assists vitamin A in giving your eyes the ability to see in the dark.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3, also known as niacin, is a powerful nutrient essential for a healthy and high functioning system and is commonly found in meats, fruits, nuts, and vegetables. It is known for improving and protecting the skin, brain, and kidney organs. As a result, the skin stabilizes its barrier, helping retain moisture; assists with protein synthesis, creating keratin; inhibits precancerous cells, fighting aging; and works as an anti-inflammatory, reducing irritation

B3 is equally essential for proper brain function. It repairs cell and DNA damage, increases brain blood flow, works as an antioxidant to eliminate damaging free radicals, and stimulates electrons and neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin) for brain activity. This results in greater mental awareness, improved memory, and enhanced focus

B3 is also pivotal for the digestive system and organs as it breaks down carbohydrates, fats, and alcohol. It also works as an important cholesterol and blood fat regulator –  essential for maintaining a healthy heart. Research even suggests it plays a pivotal role in reducing blood pressure and preventing Type 1 Diabetes.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is known as pantothenic acid as it comes from the Greek word pantos, meaning “everywhere,” since it is found in a wide variety of foods. Still, it is essential to monitor and ensure proper levels since not only is it water-soluble, our bodies can only absorb about 50% of the amount ingested.

Arguably the busiest of the Busy Bs, pantothenic acid has numerous functions. One of its primary functions is to work with enzymes in facilitating metabolic processes that are important for raising good cholesterol (HDL) and lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). Aiding in heart health, it also works as an antioxidant that may even reduce low-grade inflammation

B5 produces sex and stress-related hormones in the adrenal glands (the small glands above the kidneys). Increasing cortisol levels improves the body’s ability to withstand stress. Another way it partners with the body is by helping it utilize other vitamins.

It also assists the body with digestion and the absorption of nutrients, helping it maintain a healthy digestive tract

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, has numerous roles in the body and is a co-factor in more than 140 biochemical reactions in the cell. One of its primary functions is working as a coenzyme to regulate amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and carbohydrates and fats—these three classes of food material function to provide cell material and energy to the body. Vitamin B6 also transports oxygen and is critical for brain development and hormone production.

There are twenty different amino acids in the body, with nine of them categorized as essential. B6 is one of the central coenzymes (along with vitamin B12 and C) needed to synthesize amino acids to make them effective in our system. For example, we need them to break down food (for energy and nutrition), grow and repair tissue (such as muscle and skin), create hormones and neurotransmitters, and maintain the digestive system

The regulation of amino acids is also important for heart and brain health. For example, when levels of the amino acid homocysteine are too high in the blood, the risk for heart diseases and heart attacks increases. Elevated homocysteine levels also increase the risk of dementia and other cognitive issues. In addition, B6 acts as a synthesizer for neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, melatonin, and noradrenaline, which help with improved mood, sleep cycle, sex drive, and stress management.

B6 is also important for maintaining a healthy immune system among its many strengths. This is because it functions with the dual ability to create T cells and B cells, both of which fight off foreign invaders in the body.

Who Can Benefit From B Complex?

The B Complex Booster treatment is beneficial for everyone regardless of their physical condition and health status. It is essential for disease prevention, current illness reversal, and health optimization! With results you can feel within seconds, it is also beneficial for those who have: 

  • Low energy & fatigue 
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Digestive issues
  • Skin issues
  • Eye issues
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Cholesterol issues
  • Depression or mood imbalances
  • Cardiometabolic issues



When you arrive at our clinic, you can receive your booster right away, or if you would like a more in-depth approach, our medical team is available for a free consultation. 

During your consultation, our medical team will come alongside you to develop your treatment plan, whether it’s to target specific issues, provide overall prevention and wellness, or both. 

Booster Treatment

Enjoy your booster treatment in our quiet, spa-like atmosphere, where your comfort and safety are our top priority. We administrate boosters meticulously, and all of our equipment is medical grade. 

Your treatment takes less than a minute to administer; however, depending on your booster, you may need to stay seated and relax for a couple of minutes while it takes effect.


After receiving your booster, you will feel an overall sense of well-being which will only increase after each subsequent treatment.

Before the end of your visit, our lifestyle architects will discuss your lifestyle plan and chart a course for future treatments and steps you can take as we partner with you to reach your health and wellness goals.

If you need to know more, please click here.

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1020 S Anaheim Blvd Suite 101,
Anaheim, CA 92805

(714) 321-5387

Monday 9 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday, 9 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday, 9 AM – 4 PM
Thursday, 9 AM – 4 PM
Friday, 9 AM – 4 PM
Saturday, 9:30 AM – 5 PM
Sunday, Closed


We are so passionate about helping people live long lives filled with energy and vitality! In today’s world, illness, exhaustion, and burnout are far more common than among people whose health is allowing them to enjoy life and we want to change that!